Health & Safety
We are committed to taking the necessary additional precautions to keep children safe, while continuing to provide an enriching learning environment to meet the overall well-being of children and their families. The following special safety precautions have been implemented:
Staff are required to wear masks at all times. Children are encouraged (but not required) to wear masks
Social distancing within activities and groups when possible
Limited access to our building, including touchless drop-off and pick up for families
Health screening upon entry for children and staff. Any children or staff with respiratory illness symptoms or fever shall return home and until fever free for at least 24 hours
Frequent disinfecting and sanitizing of high-touch toys and surfaces
Frequent hand washing by children and staff (this is embedded in our curriculum and daily staff protocols)
Daily laundering of all sheets provided for infants and evening care children
Continuous health & safety training for staff including first aid and CPR certification